Provider Exchange Azure Setup

This section describes the Provider Exchange setup on Microsoft Azure.

To setup the Azure Provider Exchange:
1. Sign-in to Azure portal with credentials of the Zoom Connect System.
2. Click the .
3. Select the Zoom Connect database.
4. In the Navigation pane, select Data Explorer.

5. Select systemConfig container.

6. Click Items.
7. Select “systemConfig” entry.

In the right pane, the current Carrier's configuration is displayed.

8. Edit the data. Add the new data after the last defined operator details:
"ZoomNewProviderName": {
"ClientId": "XDDGGegQDKrcUbp6yrNrQ",
"ClientSecret": "Dr3fdem9eplMg3b7b5bBSRFvqef",
"OvocTenantId": "761",
"ZoomTrunksMap": {
"North America": "Provider_na_trunk_name_alias",
"South America": "Provider_sa_trunk_name_alias",
"Europe": "Provider_eu_trunk_name_alias",
"Asia": "Provider_asia_trunk_name_alias",
"Japan": "Provider_japan_trunk_name_alias",
"Australia": "Provider_australia_trunk_name_alias"

Note the following syntax rules:

The comma at the top must be after previous provider settings
NewProviderName should be replaces with actual name of the provider (Zoom must be preserve as prefix)
ClientId should be taken from provider’s application in Zoom marketplace
ClientSecret should be taken from provider’s application in Zoom marketplace
OvocTenantId is the value from Retrieve Provider Exchange Tenant Internal ID
ZoomTrunksMap should contain only the trunks which are defined for the Provider Exchanges.
Irrelevant regions should be removed
Last region should end without a comma.
Set the values of the trunks which will be allocated for the Provider Exchange.
9. Click Update.